My Approach
On my path of recovery, I discovered that my childhood trauma gave me a direction toward finding my purpose and meaning of my life which was providing service to others. Part of this service was to become a therapist to work with individuals who had childhood trauma. This is not to say that any child should go through this; but it is to say that what was my weakness, when taking the journey of recovery, it became my strength; the victim in me turned to be the creator and master of my life. I began to know why I am here in this world and what my purpose is in life.
What I would offer you in our therapeutic relationship is not only coming out of my education and experiences in this field, but it is also coming out of what I have experienced throughout my own journey of working on polishing and healing my soul through Western and Eastern therapy. So, to heal the effect of childhood trauma (physical and sexual abuse, neglect, or abandonment), I can guide you through your journey to find the core causes of your anxiety and depression, to awaken your Inner Love; I have gone in that road, I know how it feels and what it takes to walk there.
My specialty areas are working with relationship issues, childhood trauma, anxiety, depression, drugs/alcohol addiction, co-dependency, and process addiction. Studying both the Western psychology and the discipline of an Eastern mystical path and experiencing them through taking these journeys, I came to integrate these two schools. I incorporate both the Western and Eastern psychotherapy into my therapeutic work.
In addition to talk therapy, I also work through alternative approaches such as movement therapy, using mystical stories, meditation, and dream-work when necessary.
Mystical Stories
Mystical stories are good vehicles to communicate the deeper meanings of our life. They act directly on our innermost being and connect with a part of us that cannot be reached by any other conventions.
Movements involve direct experiences through our bodies. At the beginning of life, before there are words there are movements. Our first language and our first relationship are through movements, sound, and touch. Authentic movements can be very effective tools to heal and transform our souls.
Mystical Heart Meditation
Mystical Heart Meditation is about learning to live in present moment, where life is happening. Opening to Love that has been waiting to happen in us, to manifest in our life for us to feel the joy.
Dreams communicate with us through the language of images and symbols. They remind us of the deeper dimensions of the self. As Jung puts it, “The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul.” In our dreams we can taste the substances that we do not taste in our everyday life. Dreams guide us and at the same time nourish us. They have messages; therefore it is important to work on them.